Tuesday, December 29, 2009

what I plan to do after graduation

plan a: get a steady 9 to 5 job, which will be ultra stressful.

since realistically getting a steady job is not really a priority for me, and I think getting a job won't be so easy, there's plan b, which is getting a part time job while doing business selling noodle, which would make me ultra Chinese. But the bright side is, there will be time to do things I like and I can still do freelancing jobs, but no steady income. And there is plan C, but I'm not telling you :) hehe.


  1. Getting a 9 to 5 job isn't so bad. I've worked full-time for the last ten years or so. It's good to have a living. But you've got to be doubly disciplined about making work then. Most days, I walk from work over to my studio and work for three or four hours. Then I come in again Saturday and Sunday. Of course, this makes it hard to have a social life . . .

  2. Discipline is what I lack the most, so I think it'll be most difficult to handle, I'm still weighting my options tho. You could have a social life via adsl hut nowadays, btw, I love your drawings, thanks for stopping by! :) :) :)
